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In einer Welt, die sich zunehmend der Nachhaltigkeit verschrieben hat, rückt das Thema Energieeffizienz immer stärker in den Fokus. Unternehmen und Investoren erkennen zunehmend, dass Investitionen in Energieeffizienz ...

In der heutigen globalisierten Welt ist Vielfalt nicht nur ein Schlagwort, sondern ein entscheidender Erfolgsfaktor für Unternehmen. Die Vielfalt der eigenen Belegschaft zu schätzen und zu fördern, ...

In der kollektiven Vorstellung galt die Baustelle lange Zeit als ein Ort körperlichen Verschleißes, lauernden Gefahren und großer Umweltbelastung – Eine Horrorvorstellung in der heutigen Welt der endlosen Möglichkeiten. Kein ...

Turning old into new - the basic principle of recycling can be applied to both old objects and buildings of all sizes. The key to this is technical due diligence. This is the technical evaluation of buildings, which is primarily ...

In an incredibly large, beautiful and diverse world, humanity decided one day to spend an average of 90% of its time indoors. Whether in the office, at home or at your favorite store in town - all these spaces harbor barely perceptible ...

While the actions of an individual do not have much influence on the world, we can achieve great things as a community. Therefore, in addition to famous personalities, it is primarily the companies of this world that are put on ...

Mi Casa e su casa – With LuCas, we enable every user of a building to individually adjust the most important components such as light and temperature according to their personal preferences and needs. LuCas is not just any IT ...

Since 06.07. 2023, the busy buzzing on the roof of Salvia Gebäudetechnik in Eislingen is hard to miss. We have hired a whole 30,000 new employees* in the newly established environmental protection department - bees are not only ...

Artificial intelligence has made enormous progress in recent years and opens up new opportunities for companies in many industries to improve their business processes and services. For B2B service providers in the field of technical ...

Photovoltaic systems are sustainable and one of the most popular power generators for buildings of all kinds these days. As a rule, they consist of solar modules that are installed on the roofs of buildings or on open spaces. They ...

In a rapidly evolving world of work, it is more important than ever that companies focus on the health of their employees. A healthy workforce is not only more motivated and productive, but also increases the company's success. ...